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Kaa-BOOM, Its July! Booming hope, love, and joy for your heart, soul, and freedom of choice.

Can you believe it, half way through July already?? July has always been the month to watch fireworks, and celebrate the summer. It’s the summer month where families and friends get together to enjoy the hot weather that lasts all day and night.. Barbeques, gardening, bon fires, pool parties, and all sorts. It has always been a highlighted month in the year for me. July: past the halfway mark to the end of the year, the 2nd month of summer, and celebrations that are filled with hope, joy, family, and friends..

oh and fireworks, Most definitely, for celebrating Independence day in the USA, our freedom.

I think Covid really showed us how lucky we are to have each other, and our freedom to make choices for ourselves. Freedom to be able to spend time together-In-and-outdoors with or without a mask. Freedom to be able to hug-on/kiss, and hang with our dear loved ones at a close proximity, and participate in events again in public spaces.. Now that’s a freedom I think we all can like, maybe?? Maybe you're an introvert, like me or kind of an introvert, so you enjoyed not having to go nowhere.. I dunno..

I hope and pray you find fun, laughter and joy this month, and every month. I can tell you, not comparing our apples to oranges, but things really do change when you have hope and faith! Having hope for your freedom to-do and be what you please, it’s eye-opening. Faith helps guide you to that freedom.. Then BOOM- change happens so fast! You must believe you have the freedom to make the choices for your life. Believe that God gave you purpose to succeed and to be happy, and then follow through on making things happen.

I believe in fairness and hope, love and encouragement to be who you are, and to develop into your true authentic-self, wherever your journey booms you to next.

Happy July, Happy Independence, Happy 2nd month of summer shenanigans!

And BOOM, love and share some hope.

Flower of the month is larkspur, sharing some love and affection with this beauty.... This is delphinium, larkspur cousin/sister they're similar in look.. learn more

One Love-Jen



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