Brrr.. no one wants to hear the cold weather forecast. Fall's cold air brings beauty and change, as we get ready for "fall back." In November the leaves turn golden and get'ta fallen. The best time of year, sweater weather and, functions to gather together, and stay warm begin.

As the weather changes so doesn't the flowers that can hold-up in cooler temperatures, which brings me to fall mums. Novembers flower of the month is Chrysanthemum's AKA "mums". They are one of the most popular and hardiest flowers. Growing in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes "mums" are quite cheerful and represent love, respect, loyalty, and honesty. You can never go wrong handing a bunch of mums to a family member, or friend.
Chilly temperatures, busy schedule's and times to gather sometimes can cause us to fall back in other areas of our lives. Daylight savings time can cause us to hibernate with darker days. If you had to fall back in a category in your life understand that taking steps backs help us figure out the path we prefer to be on. I know first hand how hard step backs, setbacks, and other things that's have been half backward, and chaotic just didn't make any sense.
Treat yourself with a little love with some mums, or maybe just enjoy the beautiful fall foliage around you. As the seasons change, things will fall from your plate, or you may choose to load it on. Take the necessary steps that are right for you, and if you need to fall back, that is okay too.
Share the warmth and stay cozy with other another. Share love, not hate
cuz no one wants to hear that, so mums'it. lol and let yourself fall back if needed.
One love